ONLY $39 - One Hour Massage For New Customers!
At Simply Massage, we employ a wide variety of massage techniques to give you the perfect massage experience. A good massage therapist will always use a combination of several different modalities to accomplish the results you desire for that session. That is what we do here at Simply Massage. We don't make you choose one particular type of massage to receive. Your therapist will go over your health history, and discuss any goals you have the that day's session. He or she will then design a customized massage session to work towards achieving those goals.
We have had many clients ask if we charge different prices for different types of massage. The answer is: absolutely not! We don't feel that you should have to pay extra to get the results you want. Whether you choose Swedish, Deep Tissue, Neuromuscular, or any other modality, you will always pay the same low price.
Keywords: massage therapy greenville whole foods woodruff road 39 membership massage